We are making changes to the Hub Hopper and it’s placement on the site to help us quickly identify Hubs to feature across HubPages Topic Pages, Related Hubs and the Best, Hot and Latest Hub feeds.  This will create a better browsing experience for readers and offer more rewards to Hubbers that create great Hubs.

We’ve heard the feedback that people would Hop more if they knew what it did.  Hub Hopping helps us identify good Hubs as well as offers a way to  flag Hubs outside of the HubPages rules.  However, all Hubs were previously eligible to flow through to topic pages and other parts of the site.  Hubbers primarily think of Hub Hopping as finding rules violations.  This new Hopper is primarily designed to help us find Hubs to feature.

We would like the community’s help to Hop through all the Hubs so that we can feature high quality Hubs everyday on HubPages.  Ideally, all new Hubs get Hopped everyday so we have enough feedback to accurately feature great Hubs.

Key Details:

  • Hubbers are going to select the Hubs that are eligible to be featured by Hub Hopping
  • The initial beta is to collect data to see how well the system works and how many Hub Hops we need to get accurate data
  • All new and updated Hubs will be added to the queue to be Hopped

During the beta period, we are only collecting data (not using it to feature Hubs yet). In the upcoming weeks the Hopping selections will be featured across the site.

We’ve set up a forum to discuss the new Hopper here.

Here’s to great Hubs,




Posted by:Paul Edmondson

6 replies on “Hub Hopper, Will Help Find Hubs to Feature

  1. This is similar to Helium’s rating system in that it depends on random raters with suspect abilities making the correct choices as to the “quality” of an article. A terrible system which has caused Helium to crash and burn. Thankfully!!


  2. I read in a forum that Hub Hopper is no longer an active or relevant feature. Can you please confirm if this is in fact true, so that hubbers who have been hub hopping can stop wasting their valuable time thinking they are helping the community.

    1. Hub Hopping is not necessary to the normal function of HubPages, but we have not removed the feature because it does still have value and many Hubbers like to use that feature to look at new Hubs as well.

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