Soon, Hubbers will be adding video publishing to their repertoire. Before this feature is released, I’m going to give you a quick overview of the types of video content that will not be permitted on HubPages. All of these rules are slight modifications to our existing rules, outlined here in our Violations section of the Learning Center. We will not be reviewing all Videos that are published, so we encourage Hubbers to flag any Hub or Video they encounter that violates our Terms of Use. The Moderation team’s workflow depends on community flags to keep the site clean!

Adult content

This rule is fairly straight forward. No sexually suggestive nudity, pornography, lewd or provocative images, explicit or profane content, and no promotions of adult websites, services, or products. As always, our standards for adult content are more lenient than the standards of our advertisers, therefore ads may be disabled on sensitive content that is acceptable for publication on HubPages.

Mature content

Videos depicting fighting, gore, violence or links to any site containing mature content will not be permitted. Self-defense instructional and minor dramatized violence will be allowed, but videos of gruesome assaults, wartime causalities, or domestic violence will not permitted. In addition, content that contains depictions of illegal activities will not be permitted. For both Mature and Adult content rules, ask yourself if you would be comfortable presenting your video to your children. If you wouldn’t be, the content may not be appropriate for HubPages.

Overly Promotional content

Video advertisements, just like written promotional flyers, will not be permitted on HubPages. Unbalanced discussions on a particular product or service, especially when accompanied by links, email addresses, or other contact information will be strictly prohibited.

Poorly Structured, Watermarked, and Pixelated content

A Video with distorted, warped, or excessively noisy audio, watermarks, or pixelation will be considered low quality. In addition, a Video that has no discernible value independent of your other Hub content will not be acceptable. If you encounter problems in your video file after the uploading process, please do not hesitate to contact us – it may be a bug!

Content that is not recorded in English

Content that is primarily recorded in a language other than English, even if it contains subtitles, will not be permitted on HubPages. Tutorials on how to communicate in a foreign language may be permitted, as long as the majority of the content is spoken in English.

Purely Personal content

HubPages is a wonderful place to find others with similar backgrounds and interests that you share. We ask that you reserve diary entries, whether video or written, for your personal blog.

Content that infringes on copyright

If you are not sure that you have the rights to use the content you are publishing on HubPages, do not publish it! Copyright issues are complex, so we encourage you to brush up on copyright rules before using any media that you did not create from scratch.

Posted by:HubPages Admin

7 replies on “Publishing Standards for Video on HubPages

  1. “Adult content” – does this include videos of video game gamplay? A lot of video games have adult content in them such as fighting, blood and gore….

  2. Thanks for your question, SimeyC. We will be looking at the videos on a case by case basis, so if the fighting/blood/gore in a video game isn’t too realistic or graphic, then it should be okay. In addition, if the fighting is only one small aspect of the video, then we will be more lenient. For example, if you are posting a how-to for completing a certain level, and the character dies during one take, that will be viewed differently than a video entirely focused on video game brutality.

    If you have any questions on a specific video, or have an example you would like me to review, please feel free to contact us.

  3. Although I’ve asked in the forums, these questions haven’t been answered yet. Is there a time or size limit on videos? If you choose the video format, and publish your main video, can you still use the Video capsule to add others, along with your other content?

    Before I knew you had to choose a video format to upload a video to HubPages, I started a hub to which I’ve added nothing but a picture. If I delete that hub and start over, does that then release the URL I used? It seems it should.

    I hope I get answers soon so I can start piecing one of my contest hubs together.

  4. After the videos are in the queue to upload, the upload button does not work. How is one suppose to upload??? Is it grayed out for a reason?

    1. Perry, are the videos processing? Once you’ve selected files to upload and they’re uploading, you’ll need to wait for them to finish uploading before selecting another batch, unless you do so in a new window.

  5. I recently uploaded two video clips for my Basic Food Safety hub. I didn’t edited it or stitched it or joined it using Windows Media Maker.

    Better check it if it passes your standard.

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