Today HubPages crossed the milestone of 500,000 hubs.

It wasn’t so long ago that I was talking about the 200,000 hub milestone.  But what a difference, a year makes.  Back then, we were getting 8 million unique visitors a month.  Today, we are getting over 14 million.

The 500,000th hub in case you were wondering was Do I have a Cold, Flu, or H1N1 by one2recognize2.

So, who created the other 499,999 hubs?

Over 751,000 people have signed up for HubPages.  As you may have figured out, many of those who signed up haven’t yet written a hub.  That’s pretty normal for an active web site.  In fact, most of those 751,000 are still holding off on their first hub.  Only 97,848 people have published hubs.

This suggests that the average active user on HubPages publishes roughly 5 hubs.  But I would suggest holding off on that judgment.  Averages can be misleading.

stendek, the most prolific hubber at present, has published 3,482 hubs.  If you look at the hubbers who have obtained a hub score of 100, the most prolific is Patty Inglish, MS with 953 published hubs.   If you look at authors by the number of fans, the author with the most fans is Maddie Ruud with 2,504 fans and 219 hubs.

There are 6 authors who have published more than 1000 hubs.  There are 34 who have published more than 500 and 461 who have published more than 100.

These folks are tilting the scales.  That’s why the average is as high as 5 hubs.

There are over 54,000 hubbers that have only written 1 hub and over 82,000 that have written 5 or less.  That means that over 350,000 of the 500,000 hubs were published by only 15% of the total published authors.  If you’ve written more than 5 hubs, then you are part of this select group.

You might be suprised that so few are responsible for so many of the hubs but this is a typical pattern on the web.  It’s known as the Power Law or the 80-20 rule.  It means roughly that the second most productive person usually does about 1/2 as much as the most producive person, the third most productive usually does about 1/3 as much, and so on.  If you are interested, the power law has been well described by Clay Shirky.

To our published authors, thanks for all your hard work!  HubPages is growing rapidly.  If we keep the quality up, then the traffic and readership will surely follow.  Great job!

Posted by:HubPages Admin

14 replies on “Half a Million Published Hubs!

  1. fascinating. helps put my efforts into perspective for me when I can see the big picture.

    the growth of hubpages is truly phenomenal!

  2. Wow! I’m actually “up there” with 74 Hubs and i’ve not completed a 30 Hubs in 30 days challenge. The numbers are fascinating. I do plan to write 30 Hubs in 30 days and this gives me more impetus to do so. I haven’t used impetus for some time.

  3. Wow. Congratulations and thanks.

    So far this has been the most fun of all the places that allow an author to publish to their hearts content on topics big and small. Here is to the next 500,000!

  4. Crazy cool… There sure are a lot of pictures in the hubs of the hubber with the most hubs…

    I’m one of the 24 with more than 500, should be even higher by the end of the year. Can’t wait. Glad we’ve all made HubPages the site that it is. Just hope we can continue doing everything that we can to avoid any search engine slaps… That would stink.

  5. Hey, that’s great! Congratulations to us all, and especially to the good people at Hub pages who administer, launch and support this website, which Hub contributors use for FREE!

    I’m a newbie–about 5 weeks, and I’ve published 31 hubs so far, so my smaller contribution is in there somewhere. I like this place so very much. There are many good people and much good information and entertainment to be found on Hub. I completed the 30 Hubs in 30 days challenge, and found it rewarding, though I have slowed down a little bit for a week or so. Time for a new challenge! RACE YA!

  6. I just love love and love hubpages. I have published some 39 hubs!!! And this is just the beginning. So I am lucky that I am from that 15% writers, that means I am helping the average to increase. I am very satisfied with the hubpages and now don’t want to write for blogs and other websites. You are doing just great work! keep it up…I am with you.

  7. Is there a reason why so many have joined but have yet to publish a hub? I myself have joined but have yet to publish a hub …

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