As a writer, it’s becoming more and more important to market yourself to your readers, to create a brand perception by which you will be recognized so that your readers are able to seek out your writing. Wonderful as it sounds, very few writers successfully manage to create enough awareness of themselves, let alone create a positive brand perception, so that they are invited to reading events or to submit work for journals.

Yet it is not very difficult to create brand awareness, and many of the tools – regular writing, personal style, social media marketing – are easily available to all writers, regardless of how long they have been crafting their work.

Keep a constant stream of writing

As a writer hoping to create a specific brand awareness of your writing and of yourself as a writer, you must set up a regular stream of writing. You have seen examples of this, have you not? A writer who publishes a book every summer as opposed to a writer who last published seven years ago, and has not been heard from since, not even within an essay or a short story? Of the two, who is it that you have a stronger recollection of?

Readings and events

As a writer, you are both the words on the page, and also the creator of the work. Writers who stick the longest in the memory are those with whom the reader has had some positive interaction. Hubber Thooghun agrees, “The best exposure I have ever received for my personal writing (including projects and job offers — no lie!) came from public readings and guest writing in literary journals. The latter was immensely rewarding. I’m quite a good orator so the fact that I “acted” my work out made it appear better than it probably was.” As a writer, most of us want to hide behind the page, and don’t want to have the public interaction that Thooghun describes. But it does work magic for creating brand awareness. If you are so inclined, you could also record your reading, and post it on YouTube or even create a series of podcasts.

Social Media

Social media has made it a lot easier for writers to get their name out there. Posting your writing on Facebook and tweeting your work to your friends and followers is a great way to publicize what you’ve been working on. It also creates the potential of going viral. Hubber laral recommends this technique as well – laral says, “Create a Facebook page and finally send your work for reviews to relevant magazines, newspapers and editors.” I agree!

Specific voice

This point has come up before in my previous post. The more recognizable and unique your voice is, the closer you are to having a brand perception working for you. Whether you write exactly as you speak, or have a humorous or ironic style of writing, you’d be best served to stick to it within all your writing.

Posted by:HubPages Admin

10 replies on “On Writing Well: How to Create Brand Awareness as a Writer

  1. Im just getting into writing and would love to do this as a career but im going to school and have very little time to create a brand name or even write regularly as a part time writer would the other options still work to get my work out there and about magazines and journals how do I get in touch with them to submet a writing or do alot of those invight their writers

  2. I have read your couple of blog posts on writing and I’m always left illuminated. As a writer I did not get so much comments in seven years compared to hub comments in the past few months. I have tried to establish my self in social medias, and been in touch with writing groups. Your tips are very useful. Perhaps, I’ll try to record a video and post in Youtube, which I did not think I could do until now, the idea seems so interesting. Thanks for this insightful post

  3. So pleased for you, Binaya Ghimere! Glad you are enjoying the blog.
    Great question, Jason Conner. No, getting published in literary magazines is not by invite only, though it sometimes certainly feels that way! 🙂 You could subscribe to poets and writers magazine for more detail on literary pubs or check out their online guide here:*
    It’s a great resource for writers.

  4. Whatever happened to the word reputation?

    I realize that this is an increasingly corperatized world, but good heavens!

    When we are born with labels, named by marketing Gurus and baptized at the Ad Agency then will be the time to starting saying-Hey Brand, hows it going!

  5. I have a certain wit that I like to make sure to incorporate into my articles – it might just be in the title and/or weaved throughout the article itself. Also sharing a personal element when providing factual information I think makes the reading more engaging – at least I am thinking positive that these elements will be noted as my particular brand awareness.

    Either way, your information is very helpful in learning how to create writing brand awareness – thank you!

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