One of the things I love most about HubPages is the fascinating and varied expertise of everyone in our community.  North Carolina Hubber crazyhorsesghost serves as a great example – he is both an excellent cook and an expert in the paranormal.

Yesterday crazyhorsesghost published a Hub about a Big Foot sighting he had on March 22nd that has since gone viral.  The Hub is quite well done – it includes both crazyhorsesghost’s original photos and video – and it has already been picked up by the NY Daily News,, Huffpost Green, and Fox News, and liked over 2,000 times on Facebook!  Clearly crazyhorsesghost has proven himself to be an expert by going out there and documenting his paranormal experiences.

In true HubPages fashion, crazyhorsesghost publishes all sorts of useful articles, and even shares his award-winning beef chili recipe as well as directions for making the World’s Most Dangerous Chocolate Cake in a mere three minutes.  Like many, crazyhorsesghost has several interests and does a great job writing about all of them on

HubPages is full of everyday experts like crazyhorsesghost who publish truly interesting and useful Hubs every day.  We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we do!

Posted by:HubPages Admin

One thought on “From Bigfoot Sightings to the Best Beef Chili

  1. Well as I was reading the news on the other websites like MSNBC, New York News, and other sources adding up all his Facebook Likes they go easily over 5000 times WOW, whats even more crazy is that the little vague video placed on YouTube got more than 1,000,000 views! How insane is that? Thanks Simone.

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