Earlier this week, we updated one of the HubPages Accolades – perhaps you have noticed!

The Great Commenter Accolade now has levels. Shown in Roman numerals, these levels, ranging from one to eight, will help you see just how great a commenter a Hubber is.

The key to leveling up is to leave insightful comments on others’ Hubs and to reply to comments left on your own work.

If you’re curious about the actual factors that contribute to the generation of your personal Great Commenter level (which is based on points accumulated), here they are:

  • The number of comments you leave on others’ Hubs (and your own)
  • The length of your comments (more points are given for longerΒ comments, while you may get negative points for a consistent pattern of repetitive, very shortΒ comments)
  • The consistency of your commenting (regular commenters get a boost)

There is also a penalty forΒ comments that are marked as spam or denied.

Major props to Edward Zhang and Paul Deeds for executing the change – it is far more fun to see just how great a commenter one is rather than just seeing that they leave the occasional comment.

If you did not know about the new Accolade feature, visit your profile to view your Accolades (so long as you have them set to be displayed) and see if you have it, and if so what level you’re at. Β And don’t forget to leave helpful, meaningful comments on others’ work. πŸ˜€

Posted by:HubPages Admin

16 replies on “The Great Commenter Accolade

  1. I love this update. I’ve realized that not everyone sees it the same way as I do, but when I comment someone’s hub – I feel like that unless I just said something dumb, then a reply is required.

    Now, of course I’m positive that I sometimes am guilty of making the mistake that I just mentioned, but unless something is just too. . .I don’t know, I suppose there are reasons to NOT reply, but for the most part, and in most all situations a reply comment is not only greatly appreciated by the commenter, it’s just the right thing to do.

  2. I don’t think anyone should be penalized for “short” comments. Like a good poem, an insightful comment may take the form of a grain of sand:

    “To see a world in a grain of sand,
    And a heaven in a wild flower,
    Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
    And eternity in an hour.” ~William Blake

    1. Nope, no penalty for short comments. However, longer comments will count for more. πŸ™‚

  3. Then perhaps the blog text needs to be modified? “The length of your comments (more points are given for longer comments, while you may get negative points for very short comments”.

  4. Comments are always enjoyable, whether we place it or get it. This is great idea of grading it. Nice encouragement for hubbers. Kudos HP.

  5. Great question, glassvisage! Just as with other Accolades, there is a short delay between reaching a new milestone and getting the (updated) Accolade. But it is pretty immediate, relatively speaking.
    And the Great Commenter Accolade only applies to comments, not forum posts. πŸ˜€

  6. I would find it more helpful if you were to leave the number of comments necessary in order to start up the ladder of accolades. It seems that it’s a shot in the dark if you don’t know what you’re aiming for. It would also seem that the quality of comment rather then length would be of more relevance. After all, one can leave a short comment with great meaning, and ramble on with a long comment and say nothing at all.

  7. I am glad that I finally took the time to look for this information. I have often wondered. When I first joined, I moved fairly quickly but many family health problems have kept me busy. Now, I think that I will begin having some free time and can achieve more accolades. Thank you for the information.

  8. I am glad that I took the time to find Hubpages. It has so many wonderful aspects to it. I’m still a little confused though. I now have a level 1 commentator beside my name. Is that 1 the top number that I can get or the bottom?

    1. I’m glad you found HubPages, Marie Alana! Level I is the lowest level of the Great Commenter Accolade; VIII is the highest, so it’ll continue to rise as to go about your business on the site and comment on others’ work. πŸ˜€

  9. This is useful information. I am new to Hubpages and got confused with the level indicated beside some of the commenters. Thanks for explaining it well πŸ™‚

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