That’s right, HubPages is now four years old!  It is strange to think that only four years back, the site had only just launched- especially because today we’re ranked 58th on Quantcast with 1.2 million daily global visits.  Not bad, eh?

The most impressive thing about the past four years, at least in my opinion, has been the amazing community of writers that has sprung up around the site.  Over its short existence, HubPages has become an impromptu family, a place to sharpen writing skills, an online article-writing academy, and a vast pool of information for millions of people. Who knew that HubPages could be so many things to so many different people!

To honor this momentous milestone, the HubPages team got together yesterday to celebrate!

Paul Edmondson gave a speech, we sang in honor of HubPages and ate delicious cake…

… and Mellie wanted to try a piece too!

Celebration is taking place online as well.  From a festive forum thread to well-wishers sharing kind words on our Facebook page, we’re feeling quite appreciated, and want to share the love with you too.  We’ve got some really amazing surprises in store this September, October, and November already- and more is being planned every moment!  Keep a sharp eye out- this past four years may have been great, but you ain’t seen nothin‘ yet!

Posted by:HubPages Admin

23 replies on “Happy 4th Birthday HubPages!

  1. WOW! I had no idea how old hubpages was. Though I seem to pick up on new internet things quick and I recently found huppages, which is such a great invention by the way!

    I really love it here and hope to make an income some day 🙂

  2. Happy Birthday Hubpages and to those who had the vision and caught the vision of the visionary, “Thank You!” This site has been a blessing to me for it has given me an outlet for my voice. I hope that there will be many more celebrations to come.

  3. Happy Birthday Hubpages. To all the wonderful Hubpages Team, your dedication and commitment and love for Hubpages has brought us to where we are today. Thank you so much. Being part of Hubpages has touched my life more than you will ever know. Blessings, love and light. And oh, I would love a slice of that yummy cake! LOL

  4. Happy Birthday to Hubpages. And now you are four years old and can eat cake – what I am sure of is that that beautiful, thick, yummy icing is just going to get even better as it is shared out with all the hubbers who really appreciate the efforts of the dedicated hub team – a team who keeps putting into production their great ideas, their communication processes, plus the ongoing socialisation of that lone animal – the writer, and all this while keeping up to date and on top of such changelings as seo methods, keyword research and rss….cheers and thanks for your great efforts…from a fan of hubpages.

  5. Happy b-day hubpages! im a little late, but still, happy b-day just the same! So happy to be a part of hubpages community!

  6. Happy Birthday! Thanks for all your hard work! I am very happy and honor to become a member of hubpages. Wish your business would become more and more prosperous and have a better future.

  7. Wooooooooooooooow belated Happy B’Day to the greatest and most friendly community of great people on web! That cake looks delicious, missed it! Anyways Congrats to all of you there!

  8. My hearty belated b’day greetings to Hubpages Team! It’s really
    great teamwork/hardwork which has brought 1.2 million daily global visits now! Keep it up!! I am so proud to be a part of this sweety cake(I mean Hubpages)for more than two years. I wish this team very prosperous growth while celebrating their 5th b’day and also in the years to come. GOD BLESS!

  9. Wow, congrats guys. Stay funky!
    When I had no clue how a computer worked, much less had any kind of internet savvy, there was hubpages. A community of writers who support one another and are giving of their time and expertise. Thank you guys. I remember going through all the newbie mistakes. Spamming people, getting upset when people don’t wanna do what i want to do, etc. People were very patient and helpful. Thanks guys! Oh yeah, I am planning on coming out to SF soon, don’t be surprised if I walk through the door at any time.

  10. Happy belated birthday. You wonderful people has done an enormous job with hubpages. It almost seems as if you gave us your birthday gift.

    Thanks for all you do on our behalf and may your 5th birthday be even better.

    Glad to have found you guys! Be blessed,

    Forever His,

  11. Congratulations my dear HubPages. Just 4th year, amazing!

    I long to pay a live visit to HubPages in due time. Thank you guys, you’re wonderful.

  12. A birthday offering

    Happy Birthday Hubpages

    your four years old it seems

    In your short life you’ve offered us

    a place to post our thoughts and dreams

    You’ve built for us a forum

    Where we can interact

    Where we state opinions and comment

    on other author’s fantasies and facts

    You’ve offered us a free site

    so we as writers can hone our skills

    And reap the benefits and knowledge

    From comments of our peers

    You’ve opened doors for us to enter

    Of new acquaintances and friends

    Where we learn to work together

    By messages and comments received and sent

    There may be those among us

    Though few as they may be

    Those who instill hurtful comments

    To inflict wounds that can run deep

    We find it’s usually other writers

    Against whose skill they can’t compete

    They feel they must destroy another

    And squelch the talent they can not beat.

    But awareness of these people

    Is soon spread through out Hubland

    So they might be ignored an soon

    Their page and comments all be banned.

    Now I stand with grateful heart

    Offering this tripe and simple poem

    That I might express along with others

    Appreciation for your forums

    So happy birthday and congrats

    On reaching this age of four

    That your site may open new paths

    And of birthdays you see many many more.

    with appreciation

    SA Lawrence

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